3D Wave in K-Pop Square

Browsing the internet, I came across a bit of chatter about a 3D Wave in K-Pop Square, Seoul, and just had to click play on the video. It looks amazing on the video and only can imagine what it would be like standing right next to it. Comfort & Relaxation I do consider myself to…

WiFi 6

Wifi 6? What is it? I hear you ask. This is the GHz band that internet WiFi frequencies work on. Currently we have 2.4GHz and 5GHz and the 6GHz will be next out towards the end of this year. This is still to be confirmed here in Europe. Having said that, this will take a…

Windows 10 Free Download

Windows 10 is still free to download, as Windows 7 stopped receiving support back in January and that includes no more upgrades. Here is a how to upgrade to WIndows 10 guide. Security and program updates, self-help online and extra help you can pay for are offered by Windows on every OS of a minimum…

Summer Salads

Here are just a few Summer Salads I will be trying out this year. They look delicous and tasty, plus will go great with any BBQ. Epic Summer Salad Make the dressing by blending all of the ingredients in a food processor (or very finely chop them), saving a few herb leaves for the salad. You…

Covid-19 Updates on Google Maps

Covid-19 Updates on Google Maps gives you information and prompts about disruption in public transport, border checkpoints, and COVID-19 testing centers. Users in 13 different countries, including Belgium, France, Netherlands, USA, United Kingdom, and Spain, will receive a message saying public services might be suspended. You can also see if the bus or train is…

How To Set up The Mesh WiFi

Here is a step by step guide on How to set up the Mesh WiFi. There isn’t a ton of flexibility on where your connection enters your home. Along side with flashing lights and cables hanging, routers and modems don’t particularly look great Try First You can try improving your current WiFI signal. First, making…

Phone Calls via Google Mini

First of all you need to have your Google Home set up to Make Phone calls via Google Mini. What you need to do first on your Google Mini Your phone contacts need to be sync´d in your google home app, To do this you need to turn on personal assistant. Plus make sure your…

The New Working from Home

So, most of us over the last few months have been working from home, but how many of you want to stay working from home and what does this involve to maintain a good work-life balance? If like me, at first it was a little strange and missed the office envirment, even now after nearly…

Smart Hydroponics

Brighten up your home with a touch of fresh greenery or flowers with Smart Hydroponics Indoor gardening made easy The Smart Hydroponics Garden in the first place is as easy as using a pod coffee maker: you just need to plug in the power adaptor, insert the plant pods, fill the water tank and you’re…