Wearable Translator

While translation apps and handheld devices are able to handle short, occasional translations, they are not ideal for ongoing fluid conversations with  people conversing in a natural and unimpaired way. Ambassador is a sophisticated high-grade translation tool that addresses this unmet need. Accurate translations that can be delivered via over-the-ear audio, text on a smart…

What is my Carbon Footprint

This will give you an idea of how literally everything we do, from eating to travel effects the planet in a negative way. If everyone just stopped those extra trips to the shops in the car or reduced their intake of red meat or bought a refillable water bottle the difference could be HUGH. Take…

Catwalk Crisis

According to Sustain Your Style, it’s the largest polluter in the entire world after the oil industry. Far from eco-friendly, the fashion industry produces untreated toxic wastewater that dumps into rivers and oceans, harming aquatic life and humans alike. It also uses 1.5 trillion liters of water every year, is releasing microfibers into the water…

Magical Green Fingers

When we think of plants, the first things that come to our mind are wood, food, herbs and all the other resources they provide that we can see. Not Plants that absorb carbon dioxide! However, there’s so much more to plants that we don’t even talk about. While we are busy releasing carbon dioxide when…