
Important requirement for On-Line Security is your Password. The challenge is creating one that you can remember & provide the best security. Passwords have been around for many centries, just think of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves, this dates back to the 18th century. “Open, Sesame!”  A password today does not move pysical bolders…

Grow your own Advocado Plant

Grow your own Advocado Plant. My new discovery on the internet is this amazing looking plant and how simple they are to grow Now I am definately not green fingered and have to confess to killing off many of my plants over the years but this I have tried and love it. So now sharing…

Smart Clock with Google Assist

Smart Clock with the Google Assist does more than just tell you the time and wake you up. Designed to reduce smartphone screen-time at night, it can help you unwind and sleep better. It can also run your smart home, play your favorite music across your home, manage your schedule, and much more. All hands-free,…

Make your Home, Smarter

Make your Home, Smarter. Most of us possible now have either the Google Mini´s or Alexa. But are you using it to the full potential or simply don´t know what or where to start? You already have made a start with a Speaker! (Google Mini / Alexa) You can then add on to this with…

Windows 10, Did You Know..

Windows 10, Did You Know that you have several tricks and hidden features that will help your laptop work faster and smoother. Minimise Quickly minimise them all except the one you are currently working in. Click the title bar of the window you want to remain open. Then, hold the mouse down and shaking it.…

Emma Nutt

Emma Nutt became the first woman telephone operator on September 1, 1878. She loved the job, and worked at it for 33 years. This Special Day Celebrates the world of telephone operators. It was a very important job for many decades. Today, the position has been eliminated being replaced by automation in telephone systems. Can…

Bits and bytes

Bits and bytes or Mb and MB, as most of us know. We now have Gb and GB with Tb and TB catching up. What does it all mean? Basically, Speed and Storage. In May 2020, a record was set for the fastest internet in Melbourne at a speed of 44.2 terabits per second. (Tbps)…

BedChill The New Office?

BedChill could be the new office. From a Kickstarter project to production and shipping, raised the money from backers and push the project all the way to production and shipping. So if you are setting up your home office, then this maybe a good solution for you. Plus you have added bonuses, with treating yourself…

Family Link with Google

With more kids now having a mobile phone, set the rules on the Family Link with Google. Learn, play, and explore online, with you in control. View their activity, manage their Apps and feed their curiosity Not all screen time is the same but the Family Link with Google will show you how much time…

Google Treks

Unleash your inner explorer and travel the globe without leaving home Google Treks want to give you a sense of what it was like to create its most awe-inspiring Street View collections with a new section in Maps called Treks. Views shows off some of the best Street View imagery collections from around the globe,…