On-Line Volunteer

If you find that you have more time at home with the current covid situation but want to help where possible, become an On-Line Volunteer Here are just a few options or alternative, just google On-Line Volunteer and find one that suits you. Granny Cloud Now you do not need to be a Granny! This…

New Year´s Eve Tradition

New Year´s Eve Tradition which can go well with hot checlate and cookies, or for me a glass of bailey´s. This year is definately going to be a different for most of us. Keeping away from Family and friends and not been able to give actual hugs and kisses, only virtual! While searching the internet…

Before 2020 is Over

What to do before 2020 is Over? Starting 2021 with a new, fresh and a little more cleaner look always helps me start the New Year. One thing I like to start with is having a good clear out! I am not talking about a deep clean or painstakingly going through everything. Front Room or…

Advent Calendars

Advent Calendars are becoming more than just chocolate. Advent calendars are not coming in all shapes and sizes, from diamonds to food & wine, Lego or beauty, the list is becoming endless. The Most Expensive This is one my other half would absolutely love (but will never get!) at just 1 Million USD Porsche Design…

Black Friday or Viernes Negro

November 27th November Yes, it is that time of the year again, Black Friday or Viernes Negro. Many bargains to be had it is time to start your Christmas Shopping! It is a tradition that has been adoped from the United States and has grown stronger each year. Traditionally comes on Friday after Thanksgiving Day, which in…

Do you have a PayPal Account?

Do you have a PayPal Account? Have you got money in the account? Do you use it? PayPal plan to introduce a yearly fee of up to £12.00. What do you need to do to stop this? Don´t panic! You have upto the 16th December 2020. Firstly, if you don’t have any money in your…

Old devices with Google

Recycle your old devices with Google could not be easier and is better for the environment and even threaten human health. WEEE The EU Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive The above symbol is placed on all devices to remind people that they cannot be desposed of by simply throwing away in your normal…

Amazon Prime Day

Get ready for some great offers with Amazon Prime Day. Not a Prime Cusomter? Join for 30 days Free! Starts midnight on the 13th October until 14th October. Every year this is a much awaited event for many. With exclusive offers and Epic Deals for 2 full days. If you are looking for the latest…

Smart Window Blinds

With Smart Window Blinds, you control your blinds wirelessly to adapt the light or create privacy depending on your mood. Why Smart Window Blinds? Filters light and reduces reflections on TV and computer screens. Smart Blinds can be controlled at the same time or individually. It’s convenient and great for all generations. Decide what you…