Greta Thunberg

A Swedish student who is credited with raising global awareness of the problems posed by climate change, and with holding politicians to account for their lack of action on what Thunberg calls the ¨climate Crisis¨ In August 2018, at the age of 15, Thunberg took time off school to demonstrate outside the Swedish parliament holding…

Fantastically Friendly Fibre

Telitec are deploying fiber now in local urbanization’s around Javea, Beniatchell and Moraira and can offer fiber anywhere it is available in Spain. It is expensive to deploy but the benefits both short and long-term are very much worth the effort both to greenhouse omissions and quality of service. Here are a few of the…

Turn it Off

Keep it Simple Whenever it is not in use, make sure to turn your microwave off at the switch. Plug your electronic equipment, television, stereo, computer and other key components in to a power strip that you can also turn off when you go to bed or when you do not plan on using them…

Google Treks

Unleash your inner explorer and travel the globe without leaving home Google wants to give you a sense of what it was like to create its most awe-inspiring Street View collections with a new section in Maps called Treks. Views shows off some of the best Street View imagery collections from around the globe, including…